Somethings I wanted to share.............

Hi Friends....

Well...we all are concerned about the environment pollution....we see on it in TVs ..papers..
We sometimes feel really bad abt the thing happing to the mother Nature..
we can put our hand in saving the environment, let me try to discuss something which we all can practice for the better world.....

With the concern over the increasing pollution would like to highlight on the small steps we can take to avoid the pollution rather than stressing ourselves thing over the pollution and its effects which we all well know....

I read this in one of the websites i visited

petroleum is pumped out of the ground the petroleum is shipped to a refining point and turned into various nasty chemicals ,the chemicals are then turned into a special sort of extruded plastic in the form of a bag over the course of days, weeks or years the bag is used in the sale of some good(s) the buyer carries the goods in the plastic bag for a time then the plastic bag is discarded the plastic bag then spends the next several millennia in the environment, doing its thing ,Much has been said about the lifestyle of the free plastic bag. How it chokes drainage, encourages mosquitoes, strangles and chokes sea life, becomes ingested by almost any animal (to the detriment of that animal). And how they look ugly caught in a windswept tree or fence.

All forms of plastic are immune to biological breakdown. The sun's UV rays weaken the stuff but that only breaks large plastic down into smaller pieces of plastic without any loss in material. There are no microbes that eat plastic and no larger life form can consume the stuff .According to researchers quoted by Weisman, tiny plastic particles are now more prevalent in the oceans than are plankton. Six times more prevalent. So it's important to avoid plastic bags wherever possible.
Another trick is to refuse the small bags that the convenience stores seem to insist upon even if you're only buying one thing. You don't need them, and the environment certainly won't miss the thing floating about or buried in the soil for the next twenty thousand years.
I sometimes see customers asking for the plastic bag for even a small item..Plastic bags are a bad habit, and not easy to eliminate.....
Try saying no to plastic where ever possible...Carry hand Bags instead
Be proud to be a part in making a better Environment for the future generations....


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