
Showing posts from August, 2015

My Movie Review - Srimanthudu

HI Guys! I usually do not review any movie formally,Movies are big...with various departments and each putting in lot of efforts ...what we see for 2-2 and 1/2 hours might have taken effort of hundreds of people for months  ,it is so easy to judge the movie ,sitting in AC theater,Eating popcorn,sipping coke and tweeting inch by inch, Then why did i start writing this article? I watched this movie on the first day without reading a review and without even watching promos fully.. Going to a movie with expectation set to Zero on the first day is too dangerous.. if you do not connect with the movie or vise versa .. I was connected to the concept of the movie in the first instance, It is a very simple story line,not many star heroes dare to take it up,Hats off Mahesh Babbu sir! There are few dialogues and gestures in the movie which strike us somewhere, Returning back to the society is a nice line, We the people have become so sophisticated that we no longer put in our efforts w