
Showing posts from December, 2010

New Year!!??!!

Another year is getting added to my kitty.........Meaning a lot to me... Here i sit in my office...which is sparsely populated today...(I call it Year End/Week end Effect) I dig into deep into some thinking... I usually don’t celebrate the new year ...But i see it as a good time to take some new resolutions..Which gives me a chance to let try new things or the things which i have been planning to do .... It gives me a gentle push to think more on the activities which took a back bench from quiet long time.. I always plan a bunch of tasks at the starting of every year and prioritize them on when to start and complete them, those tasks vary from very personal to very generic... And as the year passes the intensity in checking the status of the tasks decreases and reaches to null value at the end of the year.... End of the when there is some free time like the one I have now…I just try to recollect the stuff I have planned for the year and the progress of each of them(if there i