
Showing posts from April, 2015

Its You....!No one Else..

If you watch the TV for an hour,or may be for half an hr we might get advertisements at least twice in between,half of them would be on beauty products and more than 50% of them would concentrate on the skin, Some of them would just say 'I was not getting married because of my skin color',To speak with your dad about your plans of career and marriage ,you should be fair?? What is the funny of all is,people are ashamed of the their own skin color and some of the adds shows girls following the instructions like goats and cleaning their faces with fairness gel.. Skin color of the Native Population Girls wake up!! It is your skin color ,You own it,The dusky color is the color of the average Indian, Do not deny the fact, Be proud of what you are, Instead of being depressed of your skin color ,Focus on anything that can be changeable, On your body or in the world. The more you use cosmetics the more are the chances that you are prone to Cancer, also it shows you