
Showing posts from 2016

My Love for the city

The local train moving swiftly from station to station....I sit in a corner and watch people get in and out... Its a busy Monday morning and i am into the city after a long break.... we were shifting out of of the city in few weeks and the inner me is not accepting it in a happy note.. Not every one likes this city....reasons vary...but once u find its soul in its language or dressing or cheerful smile of silk saree draped aunties ...or in the chats coming out of temples in the mornings...or in the beautifully decorated kolams in front of will love it... Though the hot sultry humid climate and lack of weekend places might pull you down... That's just the part of the city... now i see people from various religions and cultures mingle and get a common traditional look and humbleness... I remember my first journey to the city all alone in a train and people in my coach were talking various things about the city...someone scaring me to the core...