Definition of Success

I was  gazing aimlessly at the busy traffic around while commuting to office...I got this sudden urge to define success...
Then I realized one common phenomenon these days...A success of a person is measured only in his financial status...
Then I started mull over it further..Success differs from person to person ...Situation to situation..
Success for a vegetable vendor would be to sell his stock for the day ...For a kindergarten kid would be to get a 'star' on his book from teacher...For some teenage student would be to clear all subjects in that semester..
The by-product of a success of a grown-up adult would be some financial outcome...
A regular IT professional would aim to get better rating inorder to get some good chunk of hike...
Some artist would be to recognized for his work to get a better value for his art..

But will everyone would be interested in the by-product... Ofcourse who doesn't want to make a living with what he or she knows ...
But is that the only thing that should be used to judge the success of a person??

That's where my thought process stopped over....

Some people would like to be more with the family ...Sit and have a sip of coffee without running after targets in professional life...For them that would be success...

For some having the best of assets would be success...For some to discover the hidden beauty of nature...For some to be able to sing the toughest of the raga...

Most of the people in India are tuned up with the financial measurement ... That could be one of the reason why we want our kids to be either doctors or engineers...And nothing beyond is useful...Because 'Money' could be mented  by these professions...Minimum gaurentie   for future from these jobs..

By imposing this kind of thinking on future generations we are making them more materialistic...
We should not be blaming them if they try to count every single penny they spent on us...

Having thought through it...I started looking at what my success definition would be..?
BTW what is yours??


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